Wednesday, January 03, 2007

- Last night, I had a productive rehearsal with the guys in Haptic, in preparation for our performance next week. We did a couple of "run throughs" of approximately what might happen. The first one was a bit more subtle and the second one packed a bit more of a wallop. I think that the entire night will be pretty interesting, and I am really looking forward to the event.

- After the rehearsal, I went to see Unlucky Atlas (Terence and Andre from Locrian's other band), Bruce Lamont (from Yakuza), and Scott Kelly/Blood And Time (Neurosis guys), at the Empty Bottle. Overall, it was a pretty intense, dark night of music, even if Unlucky Atlas and Blood And Time were more on the acoustic side of things. Bruce Lamont built some amazing, often overlapping loops, utilizing his voice, guitar, and an array of different reed instruments. Great stuff, overall!

- I am getting initial orders put together, following yesterday's catalog mail-out/posting. Thanks to everyone who already placed an order! No surprise, but the initial interest in the Aaron Dilloway 7-inch is very strong.

- Please note that I will be in New York on Sunday and Monday, so that will slow down my response to mail-orders a bit.