Monday, November 24, 2008

Wierd 5th Anniversary

Here are a few low-quality BlackBerry photographs from the Wierd 5th Anniversary show at the Music Hall of Williamsburg. The bands all played excellent and enjoyable sets over a massive sound system and the event was a success. The after-party was great fun, and the after-after party back in Bushwick was pretty much what you might expect... Late night spins of Envenomist, Sigillum S, Josh Lay, Spine Scavenger, Martial Canterel, etc., by candlelight... oh... and a small fire. Congratulations to Pieter for organizing such a great night -- on the back of five years of hard work! It was cool to meet so many people on this trip, and to be a part of the celebration. Opus Finis played an amazing improvised set at Wierd on Wednesday, so those who opted to wait for Friday's show saw an equally great but totally different facet of the band. Oh, and Pieter's 3:00 AM pure death-rock set on Wednesday was an unexpected bonus. Total whirlwind weekend!!!

(Music Hall of Williamsburg marquee)

(Opus Finis)

(Led Er Est)

(Xeno and Oaklander)
