Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Status - 3/4

- Another epic 4+ hour long practice last night. Excellent work. We reviewed last week's highlights and then got down to business. Mostly business. I am enjoying the methodology. My throat...

- I did a big mail run yesterday, so all paid mail-order, Discogs, and eBay packages are up-to-date

- Thanks to everyone who already ordered the new Redrot single from Monday's update!

- Current obsession: U2 "Unknown Caller" -- multiple repeats for several days now. Also enjoying "Magnificent" (just watched the YouTube post from last night's "Late Night" broadcast) and "Moment of Surrender" (which reminds me of "Thursday's Child" from "Hours..." by David Bowie). Interesting that the three are clustered. I am warming up to "Get on your Boots" but it is more typical of "big" U2 singles. The rest of "No Line on the Horizon" is a hit or miss thing for me. But "Unknown Caller" is definitely working me over, undoubtedly crap lyrics (too much computer metaphor... but let's not forget Animal Law's "Grain"!) and all...

- Check out the nice new Wilt free download album - "Undercurrent/Floodplain" currently on Force of Nature's website. I enjoyed the concept, the execution, and the D/L aspect... and if you missed the (related in my mind) Luasa Raelon (Envenomist alter ego) ghost ship D/L EP, "The Baychimo" you can find it here