Monday, March 11, 2002

<< GOAL5 >>

With the release of "True Crime,"
we are hoping to make a significant
step in record sales, not just for
BLOODYMINDED, but also for
power-electronics, noise,
experimental, and industrial
recordings, in general. For
many years, there has been
an inside joke referring to
"the 1,000." With so many
so-called underground compact
discs and records being pressed
in editions of 1,000 copies, it has
appeared like there are only about
1,000 people, worldwide, making
up the audience for these types
of releases. Vary rarely, it seems,
does a heavy, noisy, or extreme
band break this barrier.
In Japanese noise, Merzbow, and
maybe Masonna, have had the best
track record, and as for power-
electronics-type releases, Whitehouse
and other Susan Lawly compact discs
seem to consistently do well, while for
newer bands, Slogun seems to hold
amazing sales potential. Beyond these
examples, it is the more atmospheric
or gothic-influenced labels, such as
World Serpent and Cold Meat Industry
that are making greater impact in sales.
With "True Crime," BloodLust! is
initiating a new internal campaign
called "GOAL5." We are confident
that the music and the packaging of
this compact disc will help propel
sales beyond "the 1,000," and we
have set an ambitious goal for first
year's sales of 5,000 copies.