Tuesday, November 22, 2005
The mention of a BLOODYMINDED review in "Dead Angel" does not hold much promise, as that zine absolutely hated on Intrinsic Action, big time. Surprisingly, this review sees us fairing a bit better...
"Bloodyminded -- MOTHERCARE [Bloodlust]
This is just ridiculous. I think if I were a different person I'd be angry I spent five dollars on a little over a minute of music... but this is too good! Like I said, three tracks clocking in at just over a minute... but they fucking RULE. Track one, "As If," is a quick live screamer with creepy lyrics. Mark introduces the song, the synths start beating the shit out of you, some shrieks... it's done. Second song, "A Song For Lisanne, A Young Model," is a studio effort that shows off the psychedelic aspect of the band quite well. Synth noises, lots of feedback, buried vocals... trippy fade-out, awesome! Track three, "Baby," is another live freak-out. Mark introduces the song then BOOM. Fucking PAIN. This one is my favorite I think, some chaos, shrieks... more shrieks. It's over, you just got mugged. Another awesome bit of the power electronic pain we've come to love from these crazy Chicago leather-dudes! [Dillon Tulk]"