Our second trip back to Cobra Lounge went really well. The turnout was excellent and the entire night was a lot of fun.
Locrian blew me away with a new live approach, utilizing more distinct movements, or passages, nearly breaking their set down to separate songs. And regarding the songs... they are fast approaching the atmosphere of black metal... pretty amazing! This new material sounded great, and at this venue, it was crystal clear and loud.
Rabid Rabbit launched into a long, spacey, droned-out, experimental song with Bruce Lamont on sax, and the whole room began to fill up dramatically with fog. It was hilarious. Then the band kicked into gear - they are so solid as a four-piece - with dual bass and really unusual guitar work. They sounded heavy and tight and increasingly psychedelic.
Thanks to everyone who came out to support us. It is really nice to see these newer familiar faces back to see/hear us again. Thanks to all of our friends who came out to see us; thanks to Adam for helping with gear; thanks to Kenny for the great sound; and thanks to Rabid Rabbit and Locrian for joining us.
Animal Law set-list:
"Hurry, Please"
"Above Heaven"
"Never Alone"
We have something very special planned for "Above Heaven" at this Saturday's show...