Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Last Night + "LAW"

I was at this show last night (scroll down in thread for my brief write-up) and it was nice to finally meet Rory Hinchey, who put together a lengthy radio show/podcast that included lots of BLOODYMINDED tracks and interview segments with me. Those wishing to (re)visit that show may listen to it here.

I heard an interesting story, last night, about best friends, sleeping, dreaming, pouncing, etc. The "punch line," I guess you'd say, could be bastardized, or abbreviated to the following:

"Megan's Law? ANIMAL LAW!"

That probably did not translate well. You had to be there. I wasn't even there...

Yesterday, I plowed through ten CDs by Halo. Today I am starting off on an easier tone, with Lou Reed's "Transformer," since I heard "Perfect Day" at Elastic, last night, and it hit the spot.