Monday, August 04, 2008

Weekend Wrap-Up

Another long one... For brief write-ups on how I spent my Friday and Sunday nights, feel free to check here:
and here:

Thanks to everyone who came out to see Animal Law on Saturday night with Sexual Freedom and Sseepage. The weather cooperated and it seemed like people had a fun time at the party. Nice turn-out, too.

Sexual Freedom played a tasty set of free, instrumental psychedelia that took in extremes of U.K. sounds ranging from The Bevis Frond to Loop. Miles away from their transitional post-Gays in the Military noise phase. This was mind expanding stuff. Sseepage played next and tore through nine songs in under 15-minutes. Quite the opposite and appropriate follow-up. Then we slogged through five songs, finishing with a special extra-long (!) version of "Above Heaven," featuring none other than Mr. David Reed of Envenomist. David added some ice-cold synth texture to the song, including a really nice extended outro that could have gone on for ages, in my opinion. Even if I was maybe expecting otherwise, we possibly played our tightest set yet, which feels good, as we are preparing to record our debut album very soon. More news on that, soon...

Animal Law
2 August 2008
Chicago, IL

1. "Glisten"
2. "In Fives"
3. "Hurry, Please"
4. "Never Alone"
5. "Above Heaven" (special guest - David Reed)

Success in failure...

Great weekend, overall. Good to have David back, so soon. Various stops at Delilah's, Kuma's (they still had the Bongzilla, happily), Metal Haven (Hellhammer box, finally!)... dry cider seems to rule the summer and much ongoing respect to the Banana Chocolate Vivanno with two shots of espresso.