Sunday, November 16, 2008

Romero at Lampo

I saw Damion Romero perform at Lampo last night. It has been a while since BLOODYMINDED last played with Damion, at No Future Fest in April 2007. He fully took advantage of the new Lampo space (well, it was my first time there) by... well... let me let Chris Sienko explain it, as he wrote in his Gapers Block preview:

"...Romero turns Lampo into a highly reverberant space with a new performance created especially for the location. Using tone generators and a devices known as geophones, which are used to pick up vibrations in the ground. Using these devices with other equipment meant to generate internal feedback, Romero will essentially play the space itself, drawing out the vibrations of the walls and floors while sending the resultant sounds back into themselves, building a perpetual feedback loop..."

(full article:

That sums it up pretty well... and as I have noticed in the past, it is as much about feeling Damion's work as it is about hearing it. Obviously, the feedback (process) component is right up my alley, and this takes it a big step further, for sure. There was a full house - more people than chairs - and as I have seen at previous Lampo shows, I only ever know a handful of people there. Who are these people and why don't they come to, ahem... "noise" shows?!?