Sunday, February 08, 2009

BloodLust! Interview Series: #19 Staccato Du Mal

Ramiro Jeancarlo (Staccato Du Mal, Flesh Graey Display, Opus Finis, Xeno And Staccato, Zug Im Veins)

1. What have you been listening to lately?

Not much really... once in a while a get Bobby O spasms and just kick it . Other than that I listen to some of my many old unreleased tracks.

2. Have you been to any interesting concerts recently?

Cheech and Chong were in town, had to do it.

3. Can you name a favorite film, or two (or a television program), from the last few months?

Ok maybe the past 6 months, I dont watch much TV: Burn After Reading, Iron chef and its many similar shows, Forensics, Animal police.

4. Have you read a good book lately?

Apocalypse Culture (its been a while), + lots of electronic schematics.

5. Have you attended any recent art shows worth mentioning?

Pieter's Flat.

6. Do you have any current obsessions of note?

Other than not being able to put a schematic down, I'm very obsessed with brainstorming new ideas on how to maximize my limited vintage Analog gear. Once it hits, I'm on the floor gutting shit left and right. I also love buying cheap broken vintage analog gear, which doesn't really help to calm the obsession.

7. Please tell me what recordings, projects (any medium), etc., you are working on right now, if anything

I'm always recording new live music, especially after performing a new mod on a synth or drum machine. I hope to seize the mods soon and get to some serious recordings done. my mind is pretty much ready to explode. A Staccato full length should be available soon.

8. What do you hope to accomplish this year?

Finish modding, release more music, maybe fix Mark's Tascam rec. ;-)

9. Is there anything else that you would like to mention, announce, or hype?

The Opus Finis "Pursue the Tragic Tune" CD is now available via Wierd records. Some Opus Finis vids from our NYC shows are available on YouTube. There will be a Staccato du Mal split release with Climax Denial soon! cheers!