Saturday, March 21, 2009

Noise Last Night, Noise This Morning

Fun night at Enemy... I was initially disappointed to learn that Face Worker had canceled, because Brett sounded great earlier this week. I was asked to fill in at the last minute but I was really just up for enjoying the night as a spectator. It was a great choice, getting Mackenzie to play a Bachir Gemayel set. He blasted out a short, harsh set of wall noise. I am looking forward to experiencing what he plans to do with Koufar, live... the political aspect will likely sink in more. But I think I get what was happening with the misbaha (Mackenzie, I hope that I got that right...). It was a good, diverse mix of bands, from the LOUD drone+ of James Earl Drones (featuring some of the Bongripper guys), a top-notch Winters in Osaka set with Jason Soliday on Flying V. Their first section was possibly my favorite live W.I.O. piece yet. Rich from Brutal Truth did a very intense, spoken-word over electronics Peacemaker set, topped off by a masked, more power-electronics cover version/tribute to Japan's Boss Poppinski. Ultra-weird stuff! I started off my day with the Peacemaker/Iron Molar split CD, which looks and sounds really nice. Definitely recommended. The James Earl Drones CD is on now... Good Saturday morning stuff... maybe not Sunday morning, though. Monsters of Pot from Minneapolis totally lived up to their name. Completely stoned power-electronics, which is pretty much an oxymoron. Gotta' love the axe "axe"... ha ha! They also win the award, I think, for dragging the most big amps up to Enemy. Safe to say, the whole night was pretty damned loud...

Sorting out my gear for tonight... I forget how certain distortion pedals can totally kill the volume from a Roland MC-202. Aside from wanting to strip the BLOODYMINDED live set-up down to its essence, I remember the strange volume thing being an issue several years ago. I think that I arrived at a good combination -- one that is close to what I used in the studio for Brutal Truth, but with a bit more sting and noise... See you there...

50-degrees --- off for a run...