- Getting packages ready for a big weekend Post Office run
- "Death Musick Ritual" - Bruce Lamont and Mark Solotroff DJ on Sunday 12/6 at the Empty Bottle
- Office Ambience (recent/extended):
Admiral Angry "Buster"
Alice In Chains "Black Gives Way To Blue" (yes, still)
Basillica "The Correct Ritual"
Basillica "Kingdom of Status"
Bear In Heaven "Beat Rest Forth Mouth"
Black Cobra "Chronomega"
Blood Fountains "Floods"
Eagle Twin "The Unkindness of Crows"
Havohej "Kembatinan Premaster"
Led Er Est "Dust on Common"
Lifelover "Dekadens"
Luke Haines "21st Century Man"
Mournful Congregation "The June Frost"
Portal "Swarth"
Pyramids with Nadja "s/t"
Xeno & Oaklander "Sentinelle"