Friday, March 19, 2010

After The Snakes

Thanks to everyone who came out last night to support Locrian's LP release show! It was nice to see so many friends there. I had a great time and I was really pleased with how things turned out. I thought that we did pretty well at what was a new spot for all of us, and a larger one, at that. The mix of styles between the four bands worked perfectly for me and I thought that everyone sounded really good in that rather cavernous room. Thanks to Steve at the Abbey Pub for the great sound work and a big thanks to Sean for booking the show. Trivia tidbit: this was the same booking person who put a few of the Whitehouse/Intrinsic Action tour dates together in 1993... Thanks to everyone in Locrian (including Mr. Steven Hess, on drums), Harpoon, and Sun Splitter, for being a part of the event - and for all of the hard work that went into promoting it.

Anatomy of Habit played "Overcome" and "After The Water" and we had an extended transition between the two songs, which worked quite nicely. Aside from the fact that I had lost my voice last weekend, which limited what I could do with it last night, things could not have gone much better. Someone who saw us for the first time made my night when she said that we reminded her a bit of Calla. Nice! I also joined Locrian on vocals for their first song, "Inverted Ruins," which is one of the songs on their new LP that I appear on. With their two smoke machines blasting away, I was able to live out my best/worst Eldritch/McCoy fantasies... Ha!