- All paid orders (including Discogs and eBay) have been mailed out and are up-to-date. Those in Chicago wishing to purchase the new Atrax Morgue "Omicidio" 7-Inch may also now do so at Permanent Records
- Last night's The Fortieth Day session yielded familiar yet intense results. Maybe it was the blood sausage (ritual) that Isidro and I partook in before we went to the space. Maybe it was all of the garlic in the jibaritos. The packaging for "Constantinople: 746 AD CD" is coming together and we should be announcing details on this exciting release soon...
- Exciting things are brewing in the Sleep Museum camp, too, and news is forthcoming on a very special set of releases under the "Forschung" heading, due in early 2011
- Off to Anatomy of Habit practice soon...