Thursday, December 02, 2010

BLOODYMINDED - 11/26 - Show Recap

Poster for November 26, 2010 show

Che Arthur 3
Rabid Rabbit

November 26. 2010

The Empty Bottle
Chicago, IL

Xavier Laradji - Synth + Vocals
James Moy - Mix + Synth + Vocals
Isidro Reyes - Synth + Vocals
Mark Solotroff - Vocals + Synth

As If
Lake Street
Within The Walls
Misbegotten Son
Chalk Eater
Mind The Gap
Outside The Gate
Two Drops Of Blood
29 Below
Genital Panic
Visiting An Ex-Girlfriend In The Hospital - AIDS Ward

Photographs courtesy of Carmelo Espanola:

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

See Carmelo's full show set here

Photographs courtesy of Xavier Laradji:

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

BLOODYMINDED - 2010-11-26 - The Empty Bottle - Chicago, IL

Rabid Rabbit with Dave Rempis and Mark Solotroff:

Photographs courtesy of Carmelo Espanola:

Rabid Rabbit - 2010-11-26 (with Mark Solotroff and Dave Rempis)

Rabid Rabbit - 2010-11-26 (with Mark Solotroff and Dave Rempis)

Rabid Rabbit - 2010-11-26 (with Mark Solotroff and Dave Rempis)

Photographs courtesy of Rabid Rabbit:

Rabid Rabbit - 2010-11-26 (with Mark Solotroff and Dave Rempis)


Our thanks to everyone who came out to support us! Thanks to Bruce and Yakuza, for asking us to join them. Thanks to Che and his group for having us along. Thanks to Rabid Rabbit and Dave Rempis, for playing with us and for letting me join in again on "Suicide Song" (AKA "Gloomy Sunday"). Thanks to Carmelo for taking such beautiful photos! Thanks to The Empty Bottle, as always, for hosting us. It was so great to have Xavier back in town and on stage with us (what an insane and fun nine days!!!)... but we all missed Pieter's presence at this show. While the crowd was calmer than usual, there still seemed to be enough energy for an intense set. It flew by, for me... 24-minutes...not bad.